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You’re walking through the mall on your way to get a shirt and you see it, a couple holding hands. As a single adult, you have been pretty good with not feeling overwhelmed in your singleness, but when you see that emotional and physical connection someone else has, you desire it. Dating may or may not be in your life at the moment, but when you see couples holding hands it heightens your awareness you do not have that same relationship. This fantasy of a perfect couple holding hands and being complete is false. The only relationship with unconditional love and acceptance is with Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged! Holding hands is not all it is cracked up to be, especially if the other person has sweaty hands! That emotion of wanting a relationship may be partially filled by another person someday, but regardless of your relationship status the only thing that can fill any void is Christ. Chris is the beginning and the end, Revelation 22:13. Psalm 37:4 says that He knows the desire of our hearts, so if you desire a relationship with someone else take joy in knowing Christ knows that. Lastly, Matthew 28:20 tells us that Christ is with us through the end of the age. So next time you see that couple holding hands, remember you are not alone in Christ. With Him, you do not need anything else, but He knows if you desire to be married some day.

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