Unexpectedly Single
When we hear the word “widow”, we often think of little old ladies who were married for many years and their spouse passed away after a long life. Yet, the reality is that widows come in all genders and ages. From unexpected losses due to accidents to a loved one laying down their life for the freedoms we have in America, widows make up nearly 15% of the single population and have an average age of 57.
- Singles Stats -
See Singles in Your Community
80% Are Women
Women are more likely to be widowed than men comprising 8 in 10 windows.
Census.gov, 2019
14 Years Alone
Number of widows in America, of which 4 times as many are women as men. Widows live on average 14 years alone after their spouse has passed away.
Census.gov, Widows Bridge
18% of Singles are Widows
Number of unmarried U.S. residents 65 and older in 2021. These seniors comprised 18 percent of all unmarried people 18 and older.
America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2021
- For Singles -
Latest Blogs

3 Things to Remember for Singles at Friendsgiving

Loss When You Are All Alone

I Am a Widow, But Do I Have To Be Single?

Sunday Single Selection

Marriage isn’t the Finish Line

A culture that hides death hides the Gospel

An Eternal Perspective on Worry

Can’t Take It With You

Single Struggles: I Don’t Want to Live Without You
- Be Single Friendly -
Resources to Reach Singles
At Table for One Ministries we are comprised of seminary professors, ministers, doctoral students, and lay leaders passionate about reaching singles. We also have done ministry for decades and know that even the most seasoned of leaders can use a helping hand sometimes. Our Ministry wants to help you get the tools you need to reach singles in your area.
Not all singles are the same.
Adults in America
Your community is more single than married.